Merry Mathematics

-control: Chose the ball with the right answer

Tom and Jerry are making a hassle in the living room again! Probably Tom decided to check how Jerry succeeded with his homework at school and now is about to check his Math. But making Mathematics when a cat is runs after you it not so easy. That’s why Jerry needs your help – he runs and you suggest him, when to jump.

For this you have to make exercises fast and chose the ball with the right answer. If you make everything right, a mouse will escape successfully. If you make mistakes, a mouse will stumble and a cat will get closer and closer for catching Jerry. Underachiever deserves a punishment, but not eating! Anyway Jerry will learn this lesson and will be a better pupil in the future…

Do not be afraid – the exercises are very simple: addition and subtraction in the range from 1 till 20. Even a first-grader can do that if he knows arithmetic. If you don’t know it well – then it’s a good opportunity to learn a little and to save a mouse of course!

Play on-line for free. Just click on the ball with the right answer. And exercises appear in the bottom line under the playing area.

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